KoriumJet is a water jet system tested successfully in the cutting of the technical material.
What the market needs today is a modular product, which is able to adapt to all specific exigencies: what we meant to offer is a versatile and flexible system, that aims at getting the best quality of production, a steady control of the data, together with extremely low maintenance costs.
The water jet is an innovative solution which use only pure water without abrasive or any other substance. That means the water do not dirt the material and the nozzles do not need frequent change because of the impurities of the abrasive. The jet is so thin that it does not wet the material and the cut is precise and accurate. The water consumption is reduced and produce a low wear and tear of the components. Therefore the maintenance costs of the waterjet system are low. Koriumjet is built with high quality hp-components of the major reliable brands available on the market world-wide.
KoriumJet can offer complete solutions for the cutting of many kinds of materials, among which laminates, technical textiles and materials, composites.
: technical textiles/material and composites.
KoriumJet is extremely simple to use, customizable thanks to its modularity, and in the meantime it is able to offer a working accuracy at the highest level.
This is the philosophy that guided the project of KoriumJet, the waterjet system that just aims at excellence.
High modularity
Optimised and improved production
Reduced production costs
Constant data check and analysis
Very low waste
High cutting speed
Granted quality of the output
User-friendly and easy accessibility for operator
CE certified
automatic nesting system for technical textile supplied in sheet or on rolls. The application determines best strategy to optimize the material cutting giving maximum efficiency by using different algorithms which administrate the markers and reduce the waste.
The efficiency depends basically on the shapes, on the allowed rotations (none, 180° only, 90° steps, free, etc.) and on the gap required between the parts and between each part and the edge of the material.
All the operations related to the nesting can be made with our program and includes:
- loading one or more shapes to be placed
- assign the required quantity
- assign the material to be used
- calculate the nesting
- save the program for the cutting machine
- get a report of the estimated material consumption and cost.
Orders and material sizes can be imported from external databases or just quickly typed in.
The system is basically composed of two movable cutting tables with double head cutting system with 4 axes. The cutting tables moves below the waterjet cutting heads alternatively and independently for the execution of the work order: the preparation of the material to be laid on the table is done while on the other table the cutting process is in action and vice versa. Every needed equipment is always previously studied in order to get the best custom-built cutting system: roll stand spreading system, equipment for material management, ext.
Another extremely useful feature is possibility to analyze via software the management of the working phases, giving a real time overview on production statistics, leather consumption, orders, allowing a steady control on production efficiency, making previsions on future costs and on stocks and comparing different suppliers. All the data needed by the cutting room are under control at the same time.