CADVISION is the perfect CAD/CAM system for patterns creation, on
line modification, optimum marker and nesting making, right up to the automatic
cutting material. CadVision is user-friendly and it is fundamental to help cut
down on the time consuming pattern making stages. It can be implemented with
different suite to satisfy the daily needs of many industries such as
automotive, furniture, fashion and many more.
Scanning system for patterns that allows hi-res acquisition of
the shapes in a very accurate and fast way by using digital technology.
Through an efficient algorithm the software recognize automatically all the
details such as contours, lines, corners, ext. Pat Scan has the possibility to
scan patterns made of various material (paper, cardboard, plastic, textile). It
can generate files in various formats, such as dxf,
hpgl and iso. Other type of file on request. This
software can be interfaced to the major cad Software available on the market.
PatScan is supplied with personal computer, digital camera and software licenses.
Markets: Furniture,
Automotive, Apparel, Leather
- Dimensions: scanning table 1,5 x 2,25 meters.
- Camera Height 2900 mm
- Compatibility with many CAD systems
and plotters on the market.
CuteCad: User-friendly and practical software to design patterns, to speed up the prototyping process and shorten the time-to-market of customer’s products. CuteCad imports existing patterns from other Cad Software and, thanks to specific plug-in, such as for Upholstery, Automotive, Technical Textile, Gaskets and Packaging, it can generate base models and all their variants. CuteCad allows the indication of quality zones on the patterns, a special needed feature in case of leather production. CuteCad also allows to create: Points, Lines, Rays and Construction lines, Arcs, Circles, Ellipses, Polylines and Splines, Texts. And it allows to: Rotate, Scale, Move, Duplicate, Offset, Extend, and Trim Break.
For more information...
CuteNest: standard software with the possibility to import different data file format and generate the order with manual marker making. The application saves different type of file, such as file for printer (HPGL, PLT), plotter (DXF) and cutter (ISO).
JobManager: a powerful suite of software programs, that helps organizing and executing the production orders. Standard reports provide detailed information on the material consumption and the production flow. All the data needed by the cutting room are under control at the same time. Based on customer’s request, it possible to interface Job Manager with the ERP system inside the company in order to import existing templates and orders.
WaveNest: automatic nesting system for textile. The application determines best strategy to optimize the textile cutting giving maximum efficiency by using different algorithms. WaveNest can optimize upholstery shapes on fabric rolls, but it is also possible to optimize the large parts like sails or parachutes on rolls or gaskets on sheets of synthetic material by using its special application called TechNest.
LuxuryNest: automatic nesting system for leather. The application is parameterized to comply with all the user’s quality constraints, to get the best yield on the available hides. LuxuryNest offers many advantages: Reduce manual intervention
Combine automatic and interactive optimization
Intelligent interaction with the various quality areas
Increase your efficiency and productivity
More material across your table in less time with improved results
Visualization of the yield of hide before cutting
And many more.